Learn to Fence for Free – September 1

Fencers learn to advance during our most recent free class.
It’s that time of year again! We will be holding free beginning fencing classes on Thursday, September 1. Come to the Bellaire Rec Center (7008 5th St, Bellaire) and learn to fence!
Youth ages 6-13: 6:00-7:00 (Limit: 20 participants)
Teens and adults 13+: 7:30-8:30 (Limit: 12 participants)
This time we’re going to do something a little differently – to participate you MUST register before class begins, and the class sizes will be capped.This guarantees that we have enough fencing gear for everyone, which means you will get to fence your very first night!
Come dressed to move in long pants or shorts that cover you to the knee, and close-toed athletic shoes.
To register: use the buttons below, or email Info@HoustonSwords.com and tell us your name, age (kids and teens only), shirt size and whether you are right or left handed. Spaces are limited so sign up now! (Your homework between now and then: root for Team USA in the Olympics!)
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